BW Twinzer
With the arrival of the new surf season, we have a new fin design.
This started as a design for a range of new canard fins for twinzers, so we will discuss the canard first. The name of this new canard series is CNRD.
The version shown here is the CNRD-350. The range consists of four sizes - 3.00", 3.25", 3.50", 3.75", and 4.00." All of the templates in this series feature our BLENDED-WING concept. This allows us to offer a unique feature for a canard. Usually, in a twinzer setup, you want the canards to have a lot of cant, commonly in the 12º - 16º range. This would typically require that the fin base have the cant built into it to achieve these angles. Because our BLENDED-WING adds around 6º of cant to the tip of the fin, this means if you put it in a box with 8º of cant, you will achieve 14º of cant without adding cant to the base of the fin. This is a big win as you get a fin with more drive that still functions well as a canard. These canard templates all feature our HOLOFOILS through the blade and the tip for increased performance and speed.
The canard fin is coupled with a new primary fin design - BW-500. It has a very similar outline to the canard and features a BLENDED-WING. The outline is more balanced in the area, so there is good drive out of the fin's blade and tip. By featuring the BLENDED-WING, the fin has two distinct power zones - the initial drive from the base early in a turn and the final drive out of the turn from the tip as it becomes more vertical late in a turn. Like the canard, these fins also feature full HOLOFOILS through the blade and tip. These foils help keep the water flow attached for improved speed and lift.
Currently, the BW range has two sizes, The one shown and a larger BW-550, which is 5.50".
NOTE: The CNRD fins have also been designed to be utilized as a back fin in quad setups, another reason for the BLENDED-WING. Specifically, they have been designed to work with the VTX-500 we have developed to provide an alternative back fin. Due to the shape of the CNRD series, they can also be used with the Q2, QFT, or Q5 series. This size could also be used in the K9/PWR combo to replace the PWR back fin and add some additional late turn drive while smoothing the turns. The smallest version will be excellent as a trailer fin in a twin setup requiring a smooth ride.